So when you are a first year teacher, no one explains to you that there are things you will have too endure that make you uncomfortable. The best example I have of this was having to be the teacher presence in the room while an outside group came into the school and taught our students Male Anatomy and Abstinence. Get excited. I was on G-Chat with a friend of mine transcribing what was happening in the room. Every line of this is true and happened right in front of my eyes...
9:40 AM Mr. R.: i need to find a bridge with no safety netting
KR: you planning on throwing someone off it?
9:41 AM Mr. R.: besides myself?
9:45 AM Mr. R.: oh lord... it's male anatomy day in class
get excited
call and response anatomy
say "Seminal Vesical"
9:46 AM “very good
eat an m&m”
KR: what?
9:47 AM Mr. R.: every thursday there is a group that comes is and teaches the kids stuff like anatomy and health and abstinence and stuff
9:48 AM gave the kids all M&M's and if the kids can call and response body parts without laughing they can eat an m&m
yup... definitely just had three kids raise their hand to the question, who thought that was a bone?
9:50 AM "Who's ready for sex right now?" every hand in the room goes up
9:52 AM KR: hahaha
i hope that is actually what happened
9:53 AM Mr. R.: 15 kids just admitted to watching porn
dude this is hilarious
9:54 AM can i get an amen
9:55 AM KR: i'd feel dirty saying it
Mr. R.: hah
9:56 AM yeah and coming from you that's saying something
KR: how old do you teach?
Mr. R.: 6th grade
9:57 AM everybody say "ejaculation"
eat an M&M
9:58 AM KR: dude, i can't tell if this is actually commentary
or you making crap up
9:59 AM Mr. R.: HOW COULD I MAKE THIS UP!?!?!?!
this is amazing
"save your ejaculation for your wife"
10:00 AM KR: no way
Mr. R.: no lie
i told you
10:01 AM abstinence
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